Friday, May 25, 2018

Unclear on Laura Resnick's Concept

One thing that I've often noticed is just how many blogrolls and lists of links have links to blogs and websites that are either inactive or don't even exist any more.  One example of this is from Laura Resnick's otherwise well done website.  Resnick offers her readers links to four stories on the Internet, none of which work.  One wonders just why this is.  Is she lazy?  Or just incompetent?  Or does she delight in inflicting her sadistic tendencies upon her poor readers?  To be sure, she does offer a free story at he bottom of the web page entitles "The Story of my Unlife" which is a piece of pornography which does not come as a surprise given the fact that her father is the vile pornographer Mike Resnick.

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