Monday, May 28, 2018

Conversation With Malhavoc March 18, 2003

Conversation with Malhavoc, Leader of the allied Shadow Knights, March 18th, 2003:

237067810: (1:14 AM) I went and got ICQ, this should
help communication a little.

Chuck: (1:15 AM) Great.

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:16 AM) Jewel is still sitting at
that port.

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:16 AM) I should have killed him when
I had the chance. I could have kicked him off the
planet and shot him.

Chuck: (1:16 AM) yes. Do you want me to send you
Jer'le post about JLP?

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:17 AM) I saw it. The huge long one?

Chuck: (1:17 AM) made today

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:17 AM) He made one today? K, send
it over.

Chuck: (1:19 AM) 1st: Jerle on Jewel:


Player id #1657
Login: jeweladdict
Pilot Name: Jewel

Player id #1669
Login: -=Jewel=-
Pilot Name: Jeweladdict

Player id #1681
Login: bigdaddy
Pilot Name: Big Daddy

All three created very close to each other, all three
using jeweladdict in the email address. As far as I
can tell, Big Daddy rarely sends messages or posts
anything. You can see why the system would detect
that, and why I'm suspicious.

Can you explain the third account? It's carrying HF

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:23 AM) So why is he still around

Chuck: (1:24 AM) Because he posted a photo to the HF
Forum purporting to be of him and his brothers,

Chuck: (1:25 AM) Jerle backed down, but that email
addy stuff........I wouldn't ahve backed down like

Chuck: (1:25 AM) RobVanDam: (1:00 AM) oh he has a bro!
look at the pic!!

RobVanDam: (1:00 AM) [/sarcasm]

Chuck: (1:27 AM) Aeon: Among the HF ranks I'm just a
normal member. Hype has been banned from within TDZK,
but I respect your view on his membership status. If
you think that expulsion is unmerited, so be it.
Disciplinary action would still be in order though.

Hype: I know why you went on your rampage, but that
doesn't justify it.

Jewel: I am willing to review your case again, but
from what I've checked out so far it doesn't look

Also, on the "brother alibi" issue, the guy from the
other alliance contacted me. This may be of interest
to some people.

<JeanLucPicard> My account was wrongly deleted. I
don't know what to do about it, other than to talk to
an admin

<JeanLucPicard> I am not a multi and your new
"software" has deleted me mistakenly

<Jerle> You have not been deleted. We don't delete
accounts, so possible mistakes can be corrected.

<JeanLucPicard> ok

<JeanLucPicard> how can i get my account back?

<Jerle> If you give me your player id #, I can look in
the log and see why you were flagged.

<JeanLucPicard> i think i was 498

<JeanLucPicard> 498

<I take 5 minutes to go log-crawling>

<Jerle> I'm sorry, but after a review of your account,
I do indeed view it as a multi. You are in posession
of Jean Luc Picard, and Locutus of Borg.

<JeanLucPicard> my brother is Locutus of Borg

<Jerle> There are a number of factors which
substatiate this, the least of which being the fact
that they are in the same alliance and share similar

<JeanLucPicard> and my other brother is Leutenant Worf

<Jerle> Yes, but there is also one other problem.

<JeanLucPicard> check our email addy's we set it up so
that we would not wrongly be accused

<JeanLucPicard> my names Marcus

<JeanLucPicard> my brother is Michael

<JeanLucPicard> and Worf is Logan

<Jerle> Every message ever sent within TDZK is logged.
We normally don't review them, but since you asked me
to look at your case, I traced all messages sent by


<Jerle> In a message dated 03/15/03 14:01:21 EST, you
admitted to being a multi.

<Jerle> Thank you for alloweing me to review your
case, I can now lock the worf account that our
detection missed.

<JeanLucPicard> i see

<JeanLucPicard> will i be able to recreate my Picard

<JeanLucPicard> starting over?

<Jerle> Frankly, I'm not sure. I don't take kindly to
people who serve up bald-faced lies to me.

<JeanLucPicard> I understand

<JeanLucPicard> well when you make a decision, please
email me at, at your earliest

<JeanLucPicard> sorry for wasting your time

<JeanLucPicard> but i felt i had to try

<JeanLucPicard> i apologize, and meant no harm

<JeanLucPicard> bye

Chuck: (1:28 AM) I'll post it to the in-game alliance
forum too.

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:28 AM) Wow, long post.

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:29 AM) Why not just put a link to
it? The in-game forums should stay unclutterd.

Chuck: (1:29 AM) ok, but its in a monster 56 post
locked thread.

Chuck: (1:30 AM)

Chuck: (1:30 AM) The HF leadership treated it like a
joke.......I'm very disappointed.

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:31 AM) Yeah, it makes people wonder.

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:31 AM) I thought HF was supposed to
have really strict rules on how to deal with rogue

Chuck: (1:32 AM) Yes it is......I know of 3 members
who were expelled just for saying the wrong things on
the forum or in IRC

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:34 AM) I hope your leadership can
figure it out.

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:34 AM) Not much you can do if the
big guys won't listen though.

Chuck: (1:36 AM) Part of the problem is that most of
the leadership have never ever played BBG's and hence
don't understand how bad multing is.

Chuck: (1:37 AM) From what I see the issue is BLOWN
OUT OF PROPORTION and a few of you are out for blood.
That being said, I understand how this will effect
possible 'war' within the game with IR and that is
something that we want to prevent. This should not be
a problem as the member has been banned from TDZK for

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:38 AM) I've seen pieces of what's on
the HF forum.

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:38 AM) I make it a point to know my
allies well.

Chuck: (1:39 AM) Up until now, didn't you have a high
opinion of HF?

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:39 AM) Yes, I did. I still think
that as a whole HF is good, but this doesn't really
merit a 'favorable' opinion from me.

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:40 AM) Kind of makes me wonder.

Chuck: (1:41 AM) I've been talking to RobVanDam, a
former long time member who left recently on the
really screwy things that's happened behind the

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:44 AM) Have you reported Jewel's
attempts to kill you yet?

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:44 AM) I won't always be online to
help guard.

Chuck: (1:45 AM) Think that would make a difference?

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:45 AM) Nor will I always be in this
tank of a battleship. I plan to ditch this thing as
soon as we successfully raid.

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:45 AM) I think it couldn't hurt.

Chuck: (1:45 AM) Confidential: I'm going to look for
a multi-game clan that would be willing to take in the
HF/TDZK as a clan.

Chuck: (1:48 AM) In most clans, they don't have this
recruitment period nonsense. But, if a member screws
up, out he goes without all this self-serving drivel
about how superior their standards are.

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:49 AM) Would that also not violate
your own HF rules though?

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:49 AM) I remember something about
mergers being prohibited unless it was into HF. You
suggested that I merge into HF1 (which I am still
considering, especially in the light of what's been
going on)

Chuck: (1:50 AM) Possibly, but there have been 2 big
secessions from HF the past 3 years.

Chuck: (1:52 AM) Did you know that Jewel is in big
legal trouble over illegally distributing movies and
stuff on the internet?

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:52 AM) Yes, I heard.

Chuck: (1:53 AM) The HF leadership doesn't seem to see
anything wrontg with that either.

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:56 AM) Well, that's sort of crossing
over into the personal area.

malhavoc_tdzk: (1:56 AM) A dicey place to explore.

Chuck: (1:58 AM) Did you read the Jerle post I ICQ's
you earlier?

Chuck: (2:00 AM) Yes, but there are parallels between
the way he's acting over the multi stuff and the
copyright violations......he's in denial basically.
Thinks they are dumb laws or something.

Chuck: (2:18 AM) Anything from Iron Ring? I haven't
heard a word from them.

malhavoc_tdzk: (2:18 AM) Neither have I. They seem to
have thought it was just a rogue member.

malhavoc_tdzk: (2:18 AM) Which it was.

Chuck: (2:19 AM) HYper was far more serious minded in
going after Iron Ring than when he was in the Friday
night operation.

Chuck: (2:21 AM) Any ideas for Dark Realms?

malhavoc_tdzk: (2:23 AM) I was actually about to ask
you for your opinion.

Chuck: (2:28 AM) I's want to touch base with the new
HF1 leader, Bakito, Reaver and Omega Renegade on it

Chuck: (2:29 AM) Omega Renegade ins the leader of the
HF in SMR and he'll start laying TDZK soon. HF under
the name of "Omega's Renegades" is the No. #1 alliance
in SMR NG #6.

malhavoc_tdzk: (2:30 AM) I tried a round of SMR. It
didn't really appeal to me. That's good if you've got
more experienced people coming over though.

malhavoc_tdzk: (2:31 AM) I'm going to step up my
recuirtment some more, with the thing over my
sub-commander being a multi, and a few inactive

Chuck: (2:31 AM) SMR is a pale ripoff of the original
Space Merchant. Didn't see any real reaction on the
SK forum about the recent events. Any feedback from
your members?

malhavoc_tdzk: (2:32 AM) Yeah, I've been getting a lot
of PMs.

Chuck: (2:33 AM) Any doubt on the membership's part on
the fitfulness of HF as an ally?

malhavoc_tdzk: (2:33 AM) Hmm, some are curious, but
we've still been fairly happy with our relationship so

malhavoc_tdzk: (2:34 AM) I see no reason to impair
relations over this.

Chuck: (2:28 AM) I's want to touch base with the new
HF1 leader, Bakito, Reaver and Omega Renegade on it

Chuck: (2:29 AM) Omega Renegade ins the leader of the
HF in SMR and he'll start laying TDZK soon. HF under
the name of "Omega's Renegades" is the No. #1 alliance
in SMR NG #6.

malhavoc_tdzk: (2:30 AM) I tried a round of SMR. It
didn't really appeal to me. That's good if you've got
more experienced people coming over though.

malhavoc_tdzk: (2:31 AM) I'm going to step up my
recuirtment some more, with the thing over my
sub-commander being a multi, and a few inactive

Chuck: (2:31 AM) SMR is a pale ripoff of the original
Space Merchant. Didn't see any real reaction on the
SK forum about the recent events. Any feedback from
your members?

malhavoc_tdzk: (2:32 AM) Yeah, I've been getting a lot
of PMs.

Chuck: (2:33 AM) Any doubt on the membership's part on
the fitfulness of HF as an ally?

malhavoc_tdzk: (2:33 AM) Hmm, some are curious, but
we've still been fairly happy with our relationship so

malhavoc_tdzk: (2:34 AM) I see no reason to impair
relations over this.

Chuck: (2:34 AM) Take it that you were really
surprised to find out that JLP was a multi?

malhavoc_tdzk: (2:35 AM) I was. He was starting to
get annoying, but I didn't think he was a cheater. I
kind of respected him.

Chuck: (2:37 AM) I was really surprised with Jewel. I
kind of knew about the legal stuff and noticed that he
and his brother ween't ever in the game at the same
time, same with being on IRC, but it never really
crossed my mind that he might be a multi. In
retrospect, it seems obvious.

Chuck: (2:41 AM) Jerle hit the nail on the head.

malhavoc_tdzk: (2:43 AM) I'll try to post up plans for
another raid tommorow.

malhavoc_tdzk: (2:43 AM) In the meantime, perhaps you
can coordinate the mine campaign?

Chuck: (2:43 AM) ok...thanks. I'll try. HF/TDZK is
in turmoil right now,

malhavoc_tdzk: (2:47 AM) I'll see what I can do to
help stablilize things tommorow.
malhavoc_tdzk: (2:47 AM) I'm gone for the night

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