Tuesday, May 22, 2018

David Weber Shows His True Colors

Trashy sci-fi hack novelist David Weber has just exposed his true colors as an anti-fan writer.  ON Facebook, Weber posted that no matter how despicable a writer may be, its wrong for a fan-run convention to disinvite that person no matter how horrible a person that writer turns out to be.  This showed Weber's anti-fan bigotry. 

Weber is just another Baen Books sleazy hack writer whose crudely written works are chock full of spelling and grammatical errors.  Its not surprising that he feels this way since his publishing company continually puts forth books that are racist in the extreme.

Naturally, Weber looks down on the fans and wishes that they get on their collective hands and knees and grovel and kowtow to him. 

What needs to be done is for all sci-fi fans to boycott all Baen Books and put that illiterate company out of business for good.

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