Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Greed of Sarah A. Hoyt

If you were to point your browser to Sarah A. Hoyt's latest moonbattery you will find that Sarah A. Hoyt is at it again with her usual mindless drivel.

Once again Mike Glyer's favorite writer babbles away about how science fiction has been taken over by Marxists even though its patently obvious that she is completely ignorant about Marxism or anything else that requires intelligence to understand. 

Here's an example of Hoyt's stupidity:

"So, in the forties and fifties, advances for novels ran somewhere between 5k and 20k.  Thing is, judging by people I know who were alive then, 10k was a living wage.  Not crazy, but living, if you lived in a small town, etc.  Also, “novel” was anywhere from 35k words upward, and your publisher encouraged you (at least if you sold at all) to write two or three a year."

Problem here is that back during the 1940's and 1950's, the average advance for a science fiction novel was around $500, not in the thousands like Hoyt imagined it in her ignorance.  But that's the babbling idiot Hoyt for you.

I could go on an on exposing her total ignorance of the economics of publishing both then and now, but you get the idea.  It was from Hoyt's greed and self-aggrandizement that she got the idea that she deserved the Hugo so should c=sell more books and that's why she got involved in the conspiracy to bring the Hugos down,  If anything though, it all backfired on her which is why she is forced to go through the E-Books routs since no publisher will take a chance with her poorly written drivel.

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