Sunday, May 20, 2018

Another Reason for this Blog

“Of special interest in this issue of Fornax is the lead off essay by Rose Beetem that is a direct response to the blog post "Fun House Mirrors" by Sarah A. Hoyt
that was originally published last year and which Mike Glyer inexplicably failed to cover at File 770 
with the result that I did not learn about it until this March when a reader told me about it.”

     Right after I sent out Fornax #22, I got a surprising email from Glyer using the “Reply All” button requesting, “Please drop me from your list.”  Right after Glyer sent his request Lloyd Penney also used the “Reply All” button, apparently to make sure that Glyer saw his email and in that way remain in his good graces, to send in the following request, “Take me off your list, too, Charles.”  A pair of copycats also made similar requests, both of them using the Reply All thingy.  Evidently, being goody-goody with Glyer is very important to some folks.

     When I emailed him back asking why he wanted off the Fornax email list, Mike Glyer replied, “Sarah A. Hoyt is a good writer and intelligent person who nevertheless strikes me as someone who also has serious problems so I don't report a lot of things she writes. I really don't need to be chastised for that.”

     In other words, Glyer has sold out fandom in the interests of his girl Friday, Sarah A, Hoyt.  Hoyt is a sworn troll-enemy of fans everywhere and if Glyer refuses to expose her crimes against fandom, somebody else needs to.

That might be the best reason for this blog's existence right then and there.

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