Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Fire Ricky Renteria II

Why does Cedeno have a pitch limit of 5?

Why does Avilan have a pitch limit of 4?

Why was Minaya with his ERA of 8+ allowed to stay in the game and give up the winning run while far more talented pitchers were taken out of the game extra early?

Why were the team's hottest hitters taken out of the game and replaced with cold stiffs?

Fire Ricky Renteria.* Its the only we can compete this year.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Plotting Essay

The reading and study of classic works of literature is of key importance to helping writers create their plots.

     The best popular fiction is based on both classic literature and historical events.  You can take the plots of classic works such as The Odyssey by Homer and turn it into plots for other kinds of work including science fiction.  Or you can make indirect use of historical events by taking an actual military campaign of days gone by and then using it as a template for a military novel of any genre that you choose to work in.

     You do not need to limit yourself to the Classical Period for inspiration and source material.
      If you do choose to focus on the Classical Period, then perhaps the best author is Ovid, who wrote love poetry.  In writing novels, romance is a key ingredient and studying Ovid should give you ideas on how to best incorporate romance into your work.  The most relevant works of Ovid to use are Amores and the Metamorphoses.

     Ovid's lines are  witty.  Ovid's poems are not merely love poems, there are instead poems that are about love.  They are about such things as the courtship of a lady, losing her to another man after getting drunk, seducing her maid and many similar episodes from the life of a man who is dedicated to marrying a woman who is wealthier than himself.

     This material should help you with your fiction, and not just fiction that is about ancient Rome.  And yes, that includes action-adventure fiction as well.  

     As a whole Ovid's poetry is a wonderful epic frolic through Greco-Roman mythology.  Ovid treats this mythology as the source material for fantasy writing, much like modern authors of today.

      Ovid's narrative poetry easily serves as the basis for the plots of entire novel, as many writers have demonstrated.

     Studying Ovid greatly helps one's understanding of mythology and its place in the ancient world.

      If you are well versed in either fantasy or historical literature, you will be able to use Ovid's works to greatly improve your writing.

      Of course, other classical works can be used for plotting.  The various myths and legends about Hercules, for instance, can be used for plotting everything from historical fiction to space opera.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Why Romantic Times Went Out of Business

Its been revealed that the reason why the trashy rag Romantic Times went out of business is because its last convention held in May of this year, was a disaster.  Hardly anyone showed up and many of those who did were lesbians who hate romance novels. 

Hence the decision to shut down the trashy rag.